Peachy Penguins are Universal

Hi all. Lizzy could use some encouraging emails, positive thoughts, and prayers right now. This girl is SO TOUGH and we are SO PROUD of her, but things have been a bit rough.  In her other email to me she indicated the language barrier with her companion is a real issue. Elizabeth feels she isn't doing much right.  If you know her, you know that Elizabeth is harder on herself than anyone else ever could be.  She will overcome but anything positive you could send her way would be awesome. Her contact info is on the main page on the left. You may have to hover your mouse over it or click the menu bar to see it.  Thanks - Sonja)

Stats For the Mission:

Baptisms: 0
Baptismal Dates marked: 3
Lessons taught:  Around 100, I haven´t been keeping a close count
Number of times I´ve been counter-pamphleted: 1
Times a contact address was a Jehovah Witness Chapel: 1
Jars of Nutella consumed: Almost 1

Hi everyone!  

Sister Satiro and I met a family that we are really excited about.  They had already received missionaries in the past, but admitted that, although they liked their visits,  they hadn´t really understood the things that they had been taught.  They love learning, even when we teach that they aren't living some of the commandments.  They are so eager to learn more, and to try to live the things that we are teaching them.  I love visiting with them, and we are working towards their baptismal dates.  The mom, who we've affectionately started calling Mamita, told us that she was always impressed by our church, because "You do everything how Christ did it." Their son, Vitor, is so awesome.  He told us that he´s been praying every day and that he really wants to join our church.

Our mission is doing a forty day fast to reach our goal of 80 baptisms in our mission in one transfer.  Every area has been taking a day and fasting as a companionship.  At the end of this transfer, President Hill will be returning to Canada and President Marsh will arrive.  I am probably going to be transferred to another area as well.  I have mixed feelings about this, because I really like Itapira, but I am also excited to serve in new areas. 

I´ve been thinking a lot about 2 Nephi 32:7 lately.  Nephi is talking about how he mourns that people are sometimes just too stubborn, too unwilling to change, to accept the gospel and teachings of Christ.  Even when the knowledge they need is taught in plainness.  It´s hard to accept that some people just won´t understand the importance of the gospel.  They will choose to not believe, to live in ignorance, and continue to be wicked.  But, what matters is that they have the chance to accept the gospel, which is what my job is.

The other thing that I've been thinking about a lot, is how much we need our members to fulfill their callings, especially in ministering.  I was telling my ward mission leader that I was frustrated that our less active members weren't receiving visits from the members of the ward.  He looked at me with a kind of dry expression and said, "What, do all of the members in the States do their visiting teaching?" That was a bit of a slap as I realized that this calling is being neglected everywhere, not just here.  I wish I could show everyone how much the less active members, and even the active members, need to be ministered to.  It doesn't have to be big, just do it!

Also, I did receive your package at Zone Conference this last week!  It was like Christmas, and I shared some Peachy Penguins with that family we are teaching and they were pumped, it was hilarious.  Thank you for the hymnbook, it´s so cute and I love reading and singing the hymns.  Sister Satiro is a worse singer than I am, so I don´t feel too hesitant to sing around the apartment this transfer.  That sounds terrible, but that´s literally the only reason I sing out loud.  

Thanks for all the support you guys give me!.

Sister Sheffer
